First-Year Academic Support

As a part of our continuous endeavor to ensure the success and retention of our first-year students, we have a faculty and staff referral form to identify and support students who may be facing academic challenges during the first year of their college experience. 

The information you provide will be handled confidentially and be used to coordinate support interventions by the First-Year Advising Team.

What to Expect:

  1. Complete the Form: Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the student’s performance and any interactions you may have had with the student that highlight your concerns.
  2. Submit the Form: Once completed, submit the form. You will receive a confirmation email acknowledging your submission.
  3. Follow-Up: A member of the First-Year Advising Team will review your submission and may contact you for further information if needed. We will then reach out to the student to offer support and resources.

Ex: US 1100, MATH 1315, TH 2313
If applicable
Nature of concern(s)
Select all that apply
Would you like to be contacted for a follow-up? *